Salesforce Testing

Testing is integral to an effective and rapid software development process.

Thanks to our long-term partnerships, we have been able to help our customers ensure everything is built with quality in mind from the start, whether working on a new Salesforce integration or enhancing an existing application.

We can provide a dedicated team to plan, design, and execute the right tests for the project. Or, you can integrate our quality assurance engineers into your in-house team.

Our Salesforce Testing Services include

Test automation saves time and helps ensure a smooth release. Our team brings automation expertise across several languages, frameworks, and platforms – including Salesforce.

Building scalable apps and global solutions requires performance and load testing. We can help you plan for and execute these tests, leading to optimization based on the results.

Identifying and verifying bugs are just one step in the testing process. Effective testers document the issue sufficiently to support the development team in addressing them.

Testing custom Salesforce implementations and integrations requires a deep knowledge of the Salesforce platform, which is a valuable asset our team brings.

There will always be test cases that can not be effectively automated. Our team brings the focus and attention to detail required to ensure these manual test cases are run efficiently and effectively, every time they are needed.


The Oktana team has helped global companies across multiple industries build apps and cross-cloud integrations with a variety of complex languages and frameworks. Our testers have worked with different technologies such as Cucumber, Jenkins, Jest, Selenium, and TestNG.


Check out some of the technologies our experts use.

Check out some of

the technologies our experts use.

Trust and Security

Oktana values trust and manages a compliance program that carefully considers data protection matters, with both physical and remote considerations. With access to onshore resources, we have the ability to meet compliance requirements from specific industries, including Healthcare, Financial Services, and U.S. Public Sector.

We have a trusted team, committed to the security of our business and yours

Customer Success Stories

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