Custom Heroku App for Leading Investment Firm

We worked with a leading investment firm that provides growth capital to companies. The company invests in fast-growing startups across a variety of industries including healthcare, technology, and financial service.


Need: Custom Heroku App for Social Media Monitoring

By implementing multiple investment strategies on an opportunistic basis with flexible investment parameters, our partner’s main objective is to attain above-average risk-adjusted rates of return on its investment portfolio. In order to better manage existing investments and identify new opportunities, our partner wanted to be able to easily monitor social media activity and measure company growth.



Ultimately, our partner needed an app to search and collect metrics from social media. To achieve this, we developed a notification system to alert the firm when social media popularity spikes within a portfolio of companies.

There were two stages to this project. The first stage involved building a custom app on Heroku to collect the data from Salesforce. The second stage was to create a user-friendly app on the Lightning Platform to display the collected data.

We developed a web scraping tool to feed data into a Heroku app where a proprietary algorithm monitors the social media data, identifying trends and displaying any meaningful insights on an easy-to-use touchscreen interface from within Salesforce. The system incorporates data from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram as well as platforms like Alexa, AngelList, and API results such as Google News.

In addition to Apex on Visualforce, we leveraged HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and PHP to complete this project.



The developed app continuously checks the social media profiles and analytics of startups globally. When a profile experiences significant growth, the program will notify the firm of this activity and suggest a better direction for successful investing.

With this app, our partner now more efficiently tracks client information to inform future investment rounds. Additionally, the customized features have improved the productivity of their team.

Read about our custom development services and request a quote. Check out the benefits of Heroku.

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