Key considerations in your Salesforce AppExchange development 

Discover the essentials of Salesforce app development in the AppExchange. From understanding your users to simplifying installation and fortifying security, we’ve compiled the top three considerations when developing on Salesforce AppExchange. Let’s dive in!

1. Diverse customer base on your Salesforce AppExchange app

Yes, your app will impact other Salesforce orgs a lot

When developing for AppExchange, you are developing for a diverse customer base. And what I mean by that is since your app will be listed on Salesforce AppExchange, companies of almost any size or type can install it. Since this app will be installed on a pre-existing, you have to think about how your app will impact their Org. For example, suppose you make a change to a Standard Object, like Contact or Accounts, by adding a new field or something like that. When the customer installs your app, they could potentially have a blank field on thousands of pre-existing account records, which could cause problems.

How does your customer use Salesforce on a day-to-day basis?

Another thing you want to keep in mind is how your customer is already using Salesforce on a day-to-day basis. It’s essential to create profiles and permission sets tailored to the user types your app requires, granting specific permissions based on potential app usage. This approach is vital from a conceptual user-flow and security perspective.

Setup and Maintenance: Key success factors

You also want to make installation, configuration, and app maintenance as easy as possible. Customers downloading and installing your app may only have one Salesforce Administrator, and you want to make their job as easy as possible. So, the more you can automate and the less your customer has to do, the better. Setup and maintenance are huge factors in whether someone will use your app.

2. Security Review

Yes, it is crucial to follow Salesforce’s best practices

Salesforce has strict security requirements and requires multiple scans from multiple scanners to submit to AppExchange. Therefore, installing Salesforce code analyzer and Apex PMD early in the development process is highly recommended. These are both extensions for Visual Studio Code that report in real time when your code violates best practices, indicating the severity of the violation and recommending ways to fix it.

Along with that, you should also regularly run scans on your code base and correct them as you go. This isn’t something that you necessarily need to do every day, but once a week is a reasonable period. Also, take the time to check the security of code when doing code reviews with developers to make sure they are following best practices.

As you develop, consider the security of features before you implement them. Ask yourself questions like, “Could this feature be used maliciously?” and also consider what permissions and access you give users.

3. Documentation

Last but not least, don’t miss the benefits of early documentation for a seamless AppExchange app submission.

Another crucial part of submitting an app to the AppExchange is the documentation required. Start compiling this information early and continuously update it to ensure a seamless process. This includes technical descriptions, component documentation, class and method documentation, solution architecture diagrams and flows, external callout documentation, and more. This is excellent work for someone like a BA. The earlier you start compiling this documentation, the more work you save.

In conclusion, while developing for Salesforce AppExchange involves additional steps during the development phase, the result is a high-quality product that is easy for almost anyone to install and start using. This approach ensures a smooth user experience and broad accessibility, making the extra effort well worth it.

At Oktana, we are committed to enhancing the Salesforce ecosystem consistently to help admins and users improve their overall Salesforce experience. Our highly skilled technical team has developed and published numerous AppExchange apps and components for companies of all sizes and industries.

Now, you can get started!

Salesforce Engineer

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