Salesforce Optimization for High-Profile Data Analytics Company

We worked with a business intelligence and data analytics platform. They offer a multi-cloud strategy, support for multiple data sources, and multiple deployment methods for customers to remain transparent, private, and secure while making data-driven decisions.

High-Profile Data Analytics Company Optimizes Salesforce

Need: Salesforce Opportunities Object Optimization

As a feature, our customer provides its customers with dashboard visualization of their Salesforce data including Account, Opportunity, and Lead information. To improve usability, the team needed to update and optimize Salesforce. By doing this, the interaction with the Opportunities objects and make related changes to their website.



We helped them with the Salesforce optimization of their usage of the Opportunities object as well as tune their website. This project involved four stages:

  • Mass Edit
  • Manager Forecast Edit 
  • Submit Forecast 
  • Booking Wizard


Stage 1: Mass Edit

Our developers started by fixing an error that appeared when mass editing Salesforce records on their platform. When mass editing records, some field updates would fail and the whole process would restart without identifying which fields had caused the problem. To resolve this, we rewrote the controller. Instead of using a classic update, we used a method that allowed us to insert the data and only those that failed would need to be modified.

We used SaveResult to filter the errors as well as Apex and Visualforce due to special requirements from our partner. Once this was corrected, we spent time updating the UI design to look more modern using Visualforce and the Lightning Design System.

Stage 2: Manager Forecast Edit

This stage implemented the same solution but for their Salesforce Manager Forecast. This feature was created in the same manner as Mass Edit, so the developers decided to expand upon the solution they had created for the previous stage by adding filters so the data could be used more efficiently. These filters now allow users to research forecasts by the close date, ownership, ranges, etc.

Stage 3: Submit Forecast Edit

Our partner used Flow to design their webpages. This was changed to Apex to be able to customize the logic of the website and update the design of the messages in the UI. We built the logic behind the forecast reports feature using the user object to find the manager and their subordinates so forecast reports could be sent. Additionally, these forecast reports needed to be sent at 9:00 am local time to each of their branches. We created automated notification emails to be sent to the different users at the required time for each timezone. These are sent with a batch job.

Stage 4: Booking Wizard

Given Salesforce has multiple standardized screens to edit Opportunities, and numerous fields to complete as a result of these options, their users experienced confusion when creating booking forms. Our developers created Booking Wizard which allows users to edit the Opportunity and Account, separating onto different pages. These pages are completely configurable and customizable, allowing users to change fields, sections and create new or different pages without the need for a developer.



This project was a complete success. So far, our developers have met and exceeded customer expectations and, as a result, we continue to provide our partner with updates and maintenance for their Salesforce platform.

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