For Earth Day we’re highlighting the incredible efforts of everyone at Oktana to help make the world a better place through environmental awareness. One of the ways we do this is through recycling.
As part of our recycling efforts, the entire office in Uruguay has been working together to collect plastic bottle caps to help support animal shelters. We’ve partnered with a wonderful organization, Tapitas Oportunidades, which collects bottle caps and sells them to recyclers to raise money. These funds are then used to support animal shelters in Uruguay to pay for food, supplies, and maintaining the shelters. It’s truly the best of everything we love recycling and cute animals.
We’ve been collecting bottle caps in the Montevideo office for the past few months and have quite the collection going. Now that we’ve collected so many, coming up on April 27th we’ll be volunteering at Tapitas Oportunidades to sort them. Tapitas Oportunidades sorts all the caps by color so they’re more easily sold to recyclers.
We’re always looking for new and creative ways to give back. Collecting bottle caps was the perfect way to get the entire office in on the action.